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The Ethiopic annals,

The Ethiopic annals,

The Ethiopic annals, the Ethiopic liturgy, and in Ethiopia poetry from which Ludolf perpetually quotes, confirm this narrative of Rufinus, and slightly increase our knowledge.
We learn, e.g., that there were thirteen kings between Bazenus and the two kings under whose reign Fremonatos
(Frumentius) and Sidracus(Aedeius), or Abba Salama, as the former was afterwards called, diffused the knowledge of the gospel.
The names of these two kings were Abreha and Atzbeha. The Ethiopic poet praises these kings “for their brotherly love, and
because they obeyed the laws of Moses, diffused the gospel of Christ, and build a house to his praise. In the Ethiopic liturgy Ludolf found the following encomium on the same kings:
“With joyful voice I hail them, extolling and exalting Salama, door of pity and mercy, who caused the glory of Christ to shine in Ethiopia, where before all was dark, murky night.”
(Source: A Dictionary of Christian biography, literature, sects and doctrines : being a continuation of ‘The dictionary of the Bible'(1877))

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