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Ethiopianism Online Revival’s Daily Inspirations – February 27

Ethiopianism Online Revival’s Daily Inspirations – February 27

“Yet by extending the promise of Ethiopianism to the whole human race, this image of Africa reversed the Victorian notion of a Dark Continent with no history. There is no question that Dubois often spoke the language of an evolutionist social scientist. DuBois was a child of his time, but his vision was much larger than that of the American intellectual elite.
An example of Dubois’s broad vision was his shift from searching for an African usable past to shaping African-American identity, to imagining a utopian future in which all gifts of different human groups would be freely delivered to enrich a cosmopolitan world.
In this perspective, this powerful message together with DuBois’ notion of art as propaganda addressed the literary world of the New Negro of the Harlem Renaissance by urging that art be made”the Spiritual Frontier of human kind.”

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